Linux & Git-GitHub Cheat-sheet

Linux & Git-GitHub Cheat-sheet

Day 12 : #90DaysOfDevOps Challange

Linux Command Shell Scripting Cheatsheet:

  1. Basic commands:
  • ls: lists files and directories

  • cd: changes directory

  • pwd: prints the working directory

  • mkdir: creates a new directory

  • rm: removes files or directories

  • cp: copies files or directories

  • mv: moves files or directories

  • cat: displays file contents

  • grep: searches for a pattern in a file or output

  • echo: prints a message to the terminal

  • chmod: changes file permissions

  • sudo: executes a command as the superuser

  1. Variables:
  • To define a variable: variable_name=value

  • To access a variable: $variable_name

  • To use arithmetic operations: $(($variable_name + 1))

  1. Control structures:
  • if statement:
if [ condition ]; then
  • for loop:
for variable in list; do
  • while loop:
while [ condition ]; do
  1. Functions:
  • To define a function:
function_name() {
  • To call a function: function_name
  1. Input/output:
  • read command: reads input from the user
read variable_name
  • echo command: prints output to the terminal
echo "message"

Git and GitHub Cheatsheet:

  1. Basic commands:
  • git init: initializes a new Git repository

  • git clone: clones a remote Git repository

  • git add: adds changes to the staging area

  • git commit: commits changes to the repository

  • git push: pushes changes to a remote repository

  • git pull: pulls changes from a remote repository

  • git status: displays the status of the repository

  • git log: displays the commit history

  1. Branching:
  • git branch: lists all branches

  • git branch branch_name: creates a new branch

  • git checkout branch_name: switches to a different branch

  • git merge branch_name: merges a branch into the current branch

  1. Collaboration:
  • git remote: lists all remote repositories

  • git remote add remote_name remote_url: adds a new remote repository

  • git fetch: fetches changes from a remote repository

  • git merge origin/branch_name: merges changes from a remote branch into the current branch

  • git pull --rebase: pulls changes from a remote repository and rebases local changes on top

  1. GitHub:
  • git push -u origin branch_name: pushes a new branch to a remote repository

  • git pull-request: creates a new pull request

  • git remote add upstream upstream_url: adds the original repository as a remote upstream

  • git fetch upstream: fetches changes from the original repository

  • git merge upstream/master: merges changes from the original repository into the current branch

Note: It's important to ensure that your changes are well tested before pushing to the remote repository, and to always fetch and merge changes before pushing your own changes to prevent conflicts.

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